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New to containers or looking to expand your knowledge? Our RGS team shares detailed product insights and relevant customer experiences in our resource library to support you on your Kubernetes journey.


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The Power of Choice for U.S. Government Customers: Insights from Tricia Fitzmaurice, VP of Sales

The balance between modernizing IT infrastructure and preserving existing investments presents a major concern for the U.S. Government. Tricia Fitzmaurice, Vice President of Sales at Rancher Government Solutions (RGS), shares how RGS is transforming the approach to IT modernization, giving government customers and partners unparalleled flexibility and choice. Allowing them to leverage new technologies without the constraints of vendor lock-in or hardware limitations, ensuring a future-proof IT environment.

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Enhancing Tactical Edge Capabilities: Insights from Brandon Gulla, CTO

In a recent webinar, Brandon Gulla, Chief Technology Officer at Rancher Government Solutions (RGS), alongside Dominic Perez from Curtiss-Wright Defense Solutions, offered a deep dive into the world of cloud capabilities at the tactical edge. Hosted by Signal Media, this discussion was a masterclass in enhancing the effectiveness of military and emergency operations in challenging environments. 

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Pioneering Secure by Default Open Source Kubernetes Solutions for Government

The Changing Security Requirements Landscape

In the wake of watershed cybersecurity events like the SolarWinds breach and the Log4J vulnerability, federal agencies face urgent demands to secure their software supply chains. Along with emerging Congressional action and forthcoming CISA regulations, the Biden-Harris Administration’s Executive Order on Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity (14028)1 is a direct response to these crises, imposing rigorous new standards for software security. The reality is clear: securing software supply chains is no longer optional; it’s a national imperative.

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Keeping National Security Secure: How RGS Is Redefining the Kubernetes Security Solutions Landscape

In a landscape cluttered with cybersecurity solutions, Rancher Government Solutions (RGS) distinguishes itself through a triad of differentiators: our adherence to Defense Information Security Agency (DISA)-approved Security Technical Implementation Guides (STIGs), our commitment to Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) 140 Encryption standards, and our “Secure by Default” ethos.

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Airgapping made easy with RKE2 and Rancher

In this repo, we're going to cover the creation of a RKE2 cluster into Harvester using an airgapped process (aka Bootstrap!). We'll follow that up by installing Rancher on top of RKE2. We're going to do all of this using Terraform. Terraform allows us to declaratively define our environment in code and then create that environment in a straight-forward (and sustainable) way.

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No-Code Deployment of Rancher Kubernetes on AWS GovCloud

Over the last few years, Kubernetes has revolutionized the world of infrastructure and application distribution. From bare-metal servers to virtual machines to containers, Kubernetes has compelled teams to re-evaluate their entire technology stack – in the very best way possible. However, for many teams, Kubernetes is seen as a tall mountain to climb. But it doesn’t have to be.

You can perform no-code deployments of Rancher Kubernetes on the AWS GovCloud!

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Simple RKE2, Longhorn, and Rancher Install

Throughout my career there has always been a disconnect between the documentation and the practical implementation. The Kubernetes (k8s) ecosystem is no stranger to this problem. This guide is a simple approach to installing Kubernetes and some REALLY useful tools. We will walk through installing all the following.

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Using the new Rancher Backup Operator to protect your cluster

It goes without saying that backing up Kubernetes Components is an essential part of any Kubernetes Administrator, especially in production environments. While it has always been possible to write a home-grown solution, we here at Rancher want to make it as easy as possible to protect your Rancher-based clusters. Not only does backing up Rancher components protect you in the event of an failed upgrade or other disasters, but it’s also a great way to migrate Rancher to a completely different cluster.

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Implementing GitOps on Kubernetes Using AWS, K3s, Rancher, Vault, and ArgoCD

As Kubernetes continues to establish itself as the industry standard for container orchestration, finding effective ways to use a declarative model for your applications and tools is critical to success. In this write-up, I’m going to walk through setting up a K3s Kubernetes cluster in AWS, then implement secure GitOps using ArgoCD and Vault. Check out the source for the infrastructure and the Kubernetes umbrella application here.

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