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Heading to Rocky Mountain Cyberspace Symposium | Schedule a Meeting

Stop in and see us at booth number 236 at Rocky Mountain Cyberspace Symposium 2025 for a demo of our latest Hyperconverged Edge Solution, tailored to meet the unique demands of the tactical edge, highlighting the power of open source and transcending the limitations of traditional cloud and data center technologies. Learn more and meet with our technical experts on how Rancher Government can elevate your tactical edge mission, delivering a modular, versatile, and cloud-native platform compatible with virtually any device.

At our booth, you can:

Discover how Rancher Government is addressing the unique security needs of the U.S. government and military while supporting a complete open-source stack for teams using containers.

Demo our latest Hyperconverged (HCI) Edge Solution powered by Harvester, RKE2, and Rancher Multi-Cluster Manager to bring your data-focused workloads to the edge.

  • Run a team of developers and build an entire development platform, all from a single box.
  • Deliver everything from bare metal and extend it all the way up the stack.
  • Run a full stack of software with no vendor lock-in.
  • Meet the needs of many different types of users while consistently accessing top-tier support.

Learn about our HCI Mission Edge Extension Concept for DDI and JADC2

  • A Bare-metal application platform that extends the capability of the core Edge (mission extension).
  • Adds more compute/memory/storage to existing Core Mission Edge.
  • Is Bare-metal provisioned and joined to Core Mission Edge.
  • Capable of adding additional sensors to Core Mission Capability via PCI Passthrough in Harvester and resource labeling in RKE2.
  • Same code baseline as Core Edge kit with different configuration.
  • Demonstrates how RGS HCI Edge Concept Software is decoupled from specific Hardware as HCI Edge mission Edge is both differing models from the Core Kit and is heterogeneous in that each node is a different model with different internal parts.

Demo consisting of:

  • Adding Extension Edge kit to existing/running Core Mission Edge.
  • Creating new clusters on Extension Edge that require specialized sensor access.
  • Deploying apps onto new clusters and viewing visualizations of those sensors.

Meet with an Expert. Meet one-on-one with our open-source technology experts for additional insight into the transformative work we are doing within the U.S. government and how we can help support your agency.


Schedule a meeting at the show:

Are you heading to Rocky Mountain Cyberspace Symposium 2025 and looking to connect with our team? Complete the form below to schedule a meeting in advance, and we will contact you to schedule a time.